Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black Friday Pony-Style!

Like much of the country, I set out yesterday to shop the Black Friday deals. It was a little crazy, but isn't that part of the fun? There wasn't anything I felt like I had to have so the day was spent wandering from store to store people watching and finding unexpected things I never knew I "needed" before, such as the first four seasons on Mad Men for $8 and multiple $5 fleece pull-overs from Old Navy.

In addition to random buys, I also purchased this adorable My Little Pony bubble bath set and a Pinkie Pie hand soap dispenser from Wal-Mart. I haven't been too big on buying up the FIM merchandise, but these were just too cute to pass up. They are seriously my favorite bits of merchandise yet (well, besides the Pinkie Pie bubble blower.)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. I know I did! I'll be sharing some exciting MY LITTLE PONY Fair updates next week so get your calendars ready!

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