Tuesday, August 14, 2012

July Wrap-Up

Yes, I do realize that it is now August and I am way behind in my pony blogging. I'll blame it on the Olympics. Damn you beach volleyball, synchronized divers, and mesmerizing rhythmic gymnasts for distracting me with your pretty ribbons!

I attended the annual Cincinnati Pony Meet at the end of July and despite arriving almost two hours late (I was navigationally challenged that day and it didn't occur to me to use the GPS on my smart phone until AFTER I had gotten myself lost twice) I ended up having a great time. It was really nice to attend a small gathering where I had the chance to actually relax and have conversations with fellow collectors. The Cinci hostesses are a great group and since none of them made it to the MY LITTLE PONY Fair this year, it was nice to see them. Aside from the customary buying and selling, they hosted several games including a Pony version of Trivial Pursuit, Horseshoe Bingo, and a game that involved hitting a Fakie off of a tee with a baseball bat.

I sold and signed a few books, and ended up purchasing  a few accessories, some stickers and both large and small symbol versions of German Nightlight. It was nice to actually check off some ponies from my wantlist.

I remembered to bring my camera along and while I didn't get many photos, the pictures I did take will make a nice addition to my pony event scrapbook.

Pony Pursuit! This game was thought up by Sheena and was absolutely adorable. I want a copy of the questions so I can quiz myself at home!

                                   Wack a Fakie Game         Awesome scene contest entry by Nintendo Steve

Playing Bingo (with fellow pony author, Deb Birge) which I co-won with Mary. What were the odds of that happening?

 A quick Pony memory board I put together for my table including some moments that haven't  yet been added to my scrapbook.

Next pony event on the agenda-  I'll be at the KYPonymeet held in Lexington on September 15th and will most likely be bringing some collection items for display and some freebies for fellow attendees.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to have stumbled on this blog. You got a delightful collection of my ever favorite and loved My Little Pony here. Thanks for the share and looking for ward for more. :)
