Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Personal Wrap-Up

I've been a little neglectful in my posting not due to lack of content, but lack of time. So, in case you've been curious as to what I've been up to, here's the rundown.

If you've been following my twitter feed, you will have noticed that I've been a photographing fool. I'm happy to say that photos are basically finished for my newest book, which will be released in the coming months. I should have a cover to share with you all soon. The publisher just has to finalize it. I'll be hard at work this week finishing up the last bits of text and making a few last minute photo requests for the handful of items that I somehow neglected to add to my personal collection. I'm still scratching my head over this because I am a Pony completest and I can't believe I missed out on purchasing something pony related, but figure that it has to do with the fact that while these "missing" items were released I was living like a gypsy and most of my belongings were in storage.

I've also been working on things related to the year's MY LITTLE PONY Fair. Tickets went on sale last Thursday and we have had a great response so far. I can't wait to see everyone in July. It is going to be awesome!

This past week, I've been vacationing with my family at the beach (again)! Any excuse to escape the dreary Indiana winter weather and I'm on board. We were supposed to come home yesterday, but I called and had our tickets changed to Sunday due to the crazy weather that swept the Midwest. I'm glad the airline was able to change our flight as I'm pretty sure we would have spent the night in the Orlando airport and with a 14 month old in tow, I'm thinking that would have been an adventure best avoided. Luckily, our home in Indiana wasn't damaged, but others living in a few towns over weren't so fortunate.  It is a little unnerving seeing your local area being covered by the national news due to the mass destruction. My thoughts go out to all of those affected by this tragedy.

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