Friday, January 20, 2012

The Search for Meghan's Ponies

While on vacation, I received the following message from a mother who is trying to locate her daughter's (who is now an adult) pony collection. It is a sad story and if this were my brother we'd be having some words. Anyway, thought I'd pass it along via blog post.

Dear Summer,

I am writing to let you know about something awful that happened to my daughter. She is 30 now, but played with her beloved My Little Ponies when she was a child in the 80s for hundreds of hours. They have been stored safely in a box in her room for years while she has been teaching overseas.

At Christmas, her brother came home, supposedly to help me clean out the garage, as my health is not good. I told him and my daughter told him that her My Little Pony collection was NOT to be touched, but he was in a very angry mood. He not only threw out my entire DVD collection and about half my CD's, he ripped the box of My Little Ponies, anywhere from 50 to 100 of them; I can't remember, from my hands, saying he just talked to his sister in Finland and she didn't want them anymore. I instantly called her in Finland and she practically had a nervous breakdown. I ran out and he had taken my car and was gone. I assumed he donated them to Goodwill, like he did the DVDs, but they have been very good and very honest with me, giving me back about 60 of my DVDs they hadn't sold yet, and they told me they hadn't received any My Little Pony donations, and indeed, there were none for sale in their store.I then went tearing back home, thinking my son put the pony box in the Bagster, and sure enough he did, but as I drove up, I saw a woman grab them and drive off with them.
She came back day after day and I asked her for my daughter's collection back, but she says she doesn't know what I was talking about. I finally told her if she returned I would call the police.
This woman was driving an expensive car and dressed expensively, so it is my belief she is going to try and sell this collection, perhaps on ebay, maybe through private channels. If we could recover even three or four, it would go a love way toward healing my daughter's heart.
My daughter always wrote her initials, MES for Meghan Elizabeth Smith, in permanent marker on the bottom of one hoof, and the pony's name on another hoof, so that is how they can be identified as hers. Can you help me spread the word among the My Little Pony collecting community, and if anyone runs across a pony with the initials "MES," written on the hoof, could I be notified so I can buy it back for her? She is just brokenhearted and in tears at the thought that her most beloved childhood toys were taken from her, and I am brokenhearted not only for that, but also for the cruel and heartless and dishonest behavior of her brother.
My son got the garage clean alright, but in the process I lost priceless family heirlooms and thousands of dollars in antique lace and pearl buttons. (I used to design and make doll clothes.) To see these wealthy women dumpster diving in my poor little neighborhood just made me sick. I would chase them off and and bring as much as I could back inside, but they just parked around the corner, and the moment I went inside they were back stealing whatever they could grab from the dumpster. It was pretty horrifying.
But the thing that is killing me the most is my beloved daughter losing her carefully preserved My Little Pony collection after all these years, for no reason other than the meanness of her brother, I will never understand it.
Can you help me spread the word and maybe, if my prayers are answered, and with the help of the good people of the My Little Pony world, we can get her at least a few of her ponies back.
Thank you,
Pat Smith
writing as Fat Cat on Blogger
 If you see ponies for sale with the seller's zip code of
 77380 0r 77381, they are likely from my daughter's collection and I
 would appreciate knowing about it so I can approach the seller and
 get them back, either through the goodness of their hearts or by
 paying for them.
Who knows? The mother lives in Texas. Maybe a few of her ponies may find their way into the hands of collectors and back to Meghan.


  1. How horrible! I'd like to help in any way possible. What state did this happen in? I know checking Craigs List may give some results, but it'd be a huge help to know what state to check the Craigs List ads in.

  2. I edited the message to add that she lives in Texas. Keeping an eye on on Craig's List is a good idea.

  3. If we do see ponies matching that description from that area, should we buy them and send them tobackbto the family? Or should we contact someone?

  4. I plan on purchasing a bunch of G1 and G3 ponies before the end of 2012 to add to my own collection ( trying to push up to and past 400 ). However, if I spot any of Meghan's ponies amongst the lots I purchase, I'll GLADLY send them back to her.

    That's just HORRIBLE that her own brother did that to her and her mother! You can be angry, sure, but giving away something that's completely precious to them just to hurt them?! That's BEYOND cruel!

    I know I'd be totally heartbroken if anyone EVER did that to my collection, especially the 4 that are the only ones left over from my childhood collection ( my own childhood collection was thrown out by my dad when I moved last. I was DEVASTATED! So I know the pain. He knows now that he could get into a heck of a lot of trouble now if he were to ever try that again, especially since he now knows how much I've invested in these cute little technicolored plastic ponies. XP ).

    I really hope Meghan is able to get at least SOME of her original collection back! That was incredibly mean of her brother to do that.

    If her mom contacts you back, let her know that the pony community has her daughters back. We're spreading the word through out all of the forums and anywhere else online that we can.


  5. I plan on purchasing a bunch of G1 and G3 ponies before the end of 2012 to add to my own collection ( trying to push up to and past 400 ). However, if I spot any of Meghan's ponies amongst the lots I purchase, I'll GLADLY send them back to her.

    That's just HORRIBLE that her own brother did that to her and her mother! You can be angry, sure, but giving away something that's completely precious to them just to hurt them?! That's BEYOND cruel!

    I know I'd be totally heartbroken if anyone EVER did that to my collection, especially the 4 that are the only ones left over from my childhood collection ( my own childhood collection was thrown out by my dad when I moved last. I was DEVASTATED! So I know the pain. He knows now that he could get into a heck of a lot of trouble now if he were to ever try that again, especially since he now knows how much I've invested in these cute little technicolored plastic ponies. XP ).

    I really hope Meghan is able to get at least SOME of her original collection back! That was incredibly mean of her brother to do that.

    If her mom contacts you back, let her know that the pony community has her daughters back. We're spreading the word through out all of the forums and anywhere else online that we can.


  6. If that were me, I'd press charges on the brother (who technically stole them and everything else he wasn't supposed to get rid of) and if that were done, the lady who took the ponies would be in possession of stolen property and the police might be able to help get them back. If nothing else, with a police report they'd be able to get a check from their insurance company which would cover replacements if it comes down to it. Plus, the brother sounds like he deserves to get arrested.

  7. I have the mother's mailing address so if anyone happens upon one of Meghan's ponies I'm happy to pass the address along to you.

  8. I will never understand why some family members behave this way. I hope the woman follows ShortyBoo's advice and presses charges against her son so that she can have one more way of hoping to get the ponies back. I don't buy a lot of ponies, but I know how much I love mine, and I do sometimes buy from Etsy. I will keep my eyes out there, too. What a terrible son/brother.

  9. How horrible! The zip codes are only an hour and a half from me. I'll def be keeping an eye out. Thank goodness they where at least marked. :( I'll be spreading the word and keeping an eye out for them!

  10. That is just terrible, I would go on a rampage if someone did that to any of my things. I freak out when I can't find just one of my ponies. I have some duplicates, I know it's not the same, but I could send what dups I have if that would help any.

  11. There is an auction up for a LARGE group of Pony's from Austin TX. I figured I'd pass the link on if you know any more about WHAT ponies were included.
    I can't confirm because there aren't any pictures of their feet.


  12. I found this thru tumblr, there are several MLP's that are vintage on sale on ebay from a user in Texas from Northrichland Hills if that helps at all? I can link you to one of them, and hopefully that helps.
    I hope you get all your daughters ponies back :C

  13. Hi, I found this thru tumblr. I found a bunch of vintage ponies being sold on ebay under the username goldiegir12. They are located in Northrichland Hills, in Texas if that helps. there are like, 30+ MLP on sale on there. Here is a link, I hope these are it.

  14. Correction, there are about almost 50 ponies on that sellers list.
