Monday, January 16, 2012

Out with the Old and in with the New!

It is a new year and that means the My Little Pont Fair is gearing up for the 2012 convention. It also means that we need to clear out some of our old stock to get ready for this year's awesome merchandise! All 2012 My Little Pony Fair T-shirts have been marked down to $10 (2X and 3X are $12). We also have a handful of 2010 shirts available as well. Sizes are limited and are listed in our Fair Shop.

 We have extended our sale on the 2011 Exclusive pony as well so you can snag one for $10 off the regular price. If you haven't purchased her yet, you need to act now. We have sold out of our stock of 2010 Exclusive ponies and she is no longer available for purchase.

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