Wednesday, July 13, 2011

That's a Wrap- Pony Fair 2011!

I'm back from a fun filled Fair weekend! I'm still recovering from all of the pony overload, but very pleased with how everything turned out. We had some amazing speakers including Hasbro marketing reps, Ryan Zintgraff of and Hillary DePiano discussed alternative selling platforms. The premiere of Jewel's Documentary film, My Little Obsession ,went off without a hitch, and the Hasbro tours were educational and entertaining. I especially loved touring their new Cake Mix Studios!

I'll be sure to post photos/video links soon, but for now, I'd like to give a special shout out to Karen who made the awesome Fair Banners and Badges, Emery for being the Fair Bingo leader, and to Ona who drew our amazing Fair Pony T Shirt artwork. You ladies ROCK!

I only had about 30 minutes to shop on Saturday since I was tied up with selling Fair merchandise and had to make sure we stayed on schedule. However, even 30 minutes was enough time to drop some money on a few new items for my collection! Check out this candid shot of me digging frantically through accessories. I was on a mission!


  1. I love that pic! I'm especially amused by you using your own book for reference.

    I'm not just the author, I'm also a client!

  2. Aww! Thank you Summer! I've enjoyed creating and working on the design for the banners the last two years =) And you guys do a great job with the fair! It was fun getting to see Hasbro. Hope that next year will be just as much fun as this years!

  3. Thank you again for another amazing year! I can only imagine all the work that goes into putting the Fair together, but you make it look easy.

