Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Puppy Bowl.... I Mean Super Bowl!

I hope everyone is enjoying eating unhealthy foods and rooting on your team of choice if you're into that kind of thing. Personally, I prefer watching Puppy Bowl VII in the afternoon and then watching the commercials during the game.

If you need any of the newly released My Little Ponies, Toys R Us is running a Buy 1 Get 1 Free sale on all ponies priced $6.99 and under from now until February 12th.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I collect "My little pony" since I was five years old... I just love then! =)

    Here in Belgium we don't have a lot of good promotions and sales, and usually we can't find the toys in any shop... That's to bad!

    I'm actually from Brazil (but currently living in Belgium), my first ponies were the "Estrela" "my little pony" that I understand today being classified as "nirvanas"...

    I also have a blog where I talk a little bit about my collection, but unfortunately this is in Portuguese...

    I'll list you in my favourites!
