Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Las Vegas 2009!

I've been totally neglecting this blog, but I have valid reasons! Over the past couple of weeks I've been getting ready to make the big move from Virginia to Indiana. In addition to packing up the minimum I need to survive (aka what will fit in my Xterra), I had to pack up my classroom and lug all of my teaching materials home and single handedly transfer them to our basement. This involved a bit of maneuvering as some of the boxes almost outweighed me. On the bright side, I have some definite arm definition going on. It's going to be interesting to see how things go over the next few weeks as I won't have access to my ponies or other possessions until either we sell our Virginia house or I go over the edge. We have movers lined up to pack and transport everything, but we figured why pay storage fees when there is a house available. So wish me luck as I live out of plastic storage tubs in a studio apartment over the summer.

Back to the topic of ponies...

I will be in Las Vegas this weekend for the annual MLPFair Collector's Convention. I'm on the schedule of events for book signings both days, but will also have booth space where my books will be sold and people can stop by and chat ponies, pony guides, or whatever.

I'm flying out on Thursday morning and will be meeting up with the "Lafayette Girls" (Mary and Amber) to check out the sites before the weekend. It should be a great time!

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