Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Pony Designs Revealed at 2009 France Toy Show

While I despise winter and cold weather, there is something to be said for a "snow day". The weather here is a mix of rain and ice and I'm happy to be warm and stuck at home with my laptop. I'm taking a short break from pouring over the new proof for The 2007-2008 My Little Pony Collector's Inventory because blogging about the 2009 France Toy Show just can't wait! Magicfeuilledethé, a new member of the MLPArena, posted some interesting photos from the event.

Remember this poster that was leaked by an artist that was contracted by Hasbro last year?

See how Cheerilee's hair is all crazy pigtails and the ponies' bodies are all squished and their heads are gigantic and their eyes are enormous? Initially, collectors assumed that this would be a new direction for the Ponyville line. However, after seeing this photo it seems that this is what is in store for the regular G3 line:

If you thought crazy pigtails Cheerilee was different, check out enormous eyes Rainbow Dash:

In addition to these photos of displayed products, Magicfeuilledethé, also managed to take photos of the 2009 product catalogue. Here are a few highlights.
More photos of the new 2009 designs:

New Ponyville designs:

I really liked this Newborn Cuties house, but that is probably because I adore the Newborn Cuties:

To see all the the photos and read what collectors have to say about these new designs, click here to follow the discussion on the MLPArena.

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