Sunday, November 2, 2008

Calling All G2 Collectors!

As many of you know, The My Little Pony G2 Collector’s Inventory is almost ready for print! I am so excited about this project on so many levels. First, it is the first time G2 ponies will have a guide of there own, and secondly, because I had the opportunity to collaborate with some truly awesome G2 collectors to put together an amazing resource.

Priced Nostalgia Press has been really great about doing things right and not rushing the final product. However, they are determined to have the book on shelves by December in time for the Christmas rush which means all of the loose ends have to be tied up by November 15th at the absolute latest! I’ve been told that the majority of the book is formatted and ready to go, and I’ve been promised a book mock-up very soon which I am SO anxious to see!

To make the G2 Collector’s Inventory match the format of other guides in the Collector’s Inventory Series and to allow for wider release, Priced Nostalgia will be requiring me to include a price guide on the G2s. I have kept detailed records of final value auction prices over the last several years, but since G2s are so sporadic on the market it may be months or even years between listed items and prices can be all over the place. What I’d like to do is conduct a G2 “price check” survey among avid G2 collectors in which they complete a value chart for every G2 pony both loose and MIB using five dollar price ranges (Ex: $5-$10) or for higher priced items, they could include an approximate value estimate. Then all of this data could be analyzed together. I really hope that you will consider filling one out to help make the price guide as accurate as possible. The “price check survey” document can be sent to you through email and can be emailed to when complete. Please let me know if you would be willing to participate by either posting a comment or sending an email to Please provide an email address where I can send the survey.

Update 11/3/08:Wow! Thanks so much to all of you that have contacted me about participating in the G2 Price Guide Survey! You are all awesome!

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