I realize things have been very quiet on the My Little Pony Collector Blog recently and I hope to be back to posting regularly very soon. I have had to divert my attention and to a few other things over the past few weeks and it has left me with little time and zero energy to blog.
I did want to mention a few collector events that have caught my attention:

First, the Virginia Pony Meet will take place on August 23rd in Virginia Beach. More info can be found
here. I will not be in attendance this year since I have quite a bit on my plate, but I do know several of the people who will be in attendance and they are quite lovely so if you live in or around Virginia Beach and collect ponies, it should be a good time.

Next, I wanted to be sure to mention was that one of the organizers for the Australian Pony Fair is holding a raffle to raise money for this year's event in Brisbane. There are multiple prizes (including complete sets of G1 princess ponies) and the tickets are very reasonable, so if you are into raffles you may want to check it out